Background & Purpose:
Trouble unfolds as a journey through a web of dark, fictional stories, each paired with original illustrations and evocative imagery. Together, they create an immersive exploration of fear, horror, and the unknown. The content is trapped within a 2.75in by 4.25in zine, designed to be a quick handout for students and friends to introduce them to my artwork and storytelling. The printed zine also links to my Instagram page where I post horror-themed surrealist photos. You can find these photos on my website here.
The Front Cover: 
The concept of Trouble twists real-world encounters found in the dodgy parts of town into fictional, hair-raising stories. 
The First Spread: 
Top Floor Dogs is a group of bank robbers that stole nearly $1,000,000 within six minutes. Speculation is ongoing as to whether they were wearing masks or not.
The Second Spread: 
An Alaskan neighborhood is found abandoned after reports of unidentified aerial phenomena.  
The Back Cover: 
An advertisement for a vampire removal service.